Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Morning Sickness

Week 7 has been full of nauseousness! & what a bunch of liars because it's not only in the morning! I've been ok for the past 2 days so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more of this. Sunday night I was dizzy and blurry eyed. When we got home Don had me call the Dr. She said as long as it didn't persist it was fine and to just lay down, rest, and stay hydrated. So the dizziness went away but left a ton of nausea! I woke up with it Monday morning as well. It was bad. I had to call out of work. I finally started to feel back to normal Monday afternoon and have been fine since. Ugh I really hope I don't get nauseous on the cruise!

Anyways here's Belly pic week 7 on 8/25/09.


  1. Sorry you're not feeling great!
    I'd recommend picking up a set of Sea Bands for the cruise (from CVS or other drugstore, near the Dramamine). They really helped me during our HM cruise in my first tri.

  2. I was really sick w/Connor -- I lived on ginger ale, water and cinnamon graham crackers for a LONG time.

    For some reason cinnamon (and ginger) are said to cut the nausea.

  3. I'll try that next time. I also heard jolly ranchers for some reason.
